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About This Document

ISO 1219-1:2012 establishes basic elements for symbols. It specifies rules for devising fluid power symbols for use on components and in circuit diagrams. ISO 1219-1:2012 is a collective application standard of the ISO 14617 series. In ISO 1219-1:2012, the symbols are designed in fixed dimensions to be used directly in data processing systems, which might result in different variants.

Document Versions

Document Date Edition Event
ISO 1219-1:2012/Amd1:2016 04/15/2016 Amended
ISO 1219-1:2012 06/01/2012 Released
ISO 1219-1:2006 10/15/2006 Released
ISO 1219-1:1991 11/01/1991 Released

Amendments and Errata

Identical versions